Archive for May, 2010

Y9! youthsportsconference2010

May 27, 2010

you guys know what?

i love Y9!(: haha.

basically,this is my group for the youth sports conference that i had just attended from 25thmay-27th may.

today(27th) was the most AWESOME,CRAZY,FABULOUS day out of the three.

on the 27th,we gathered in the hall based on the eventys we are participating.

i was chosen to go for YAY!

hahah,time to get tan.and i really got tanned(and sunburn!) was held at the bedok reserviour and you know where all the BIG MUSCLES(according to my friend) said.hahaha.

we kayak for a few hours and was real tired after that.soon,we got back to have our lounch and had some group lunch thing.the kayaking people retiurned to VJC(the actual venue that the ysc thing was held at).so my group has to  wait for me and my another friend to finish our packet lunch.LOVELY teammember,aren’t they? after that,we all went to the hall and rehersed our mass dance for YOG is held in 2010.the mass dance was like yea,we practised the dance steps fpr like 33minutes and 5 secounds?cool.hahaha.

the song was quite catching,so yea,we enjoyed ourselves.

the fun part is coming.then we were supposed to like blow this flappers and then we went out to the field to wait for the arrival of the GOH.yeah,dun really know his name so yea.EEKS!hahaa.

then,our group started to get HIGH.really HIGH.people started to burst one another’s flappers and stuff.and everyhting was kind of in a mess,but IN A NICE WAY.haahha. we danced,danCED and DANCED.

furthermore,our group was chosen as the best group award.YAY!and we all cheered really loudly for ourselves,FIRST TIME YOU our group is always very quiet.

after that,we had reception.AWESOME food.hahah.

then we took pictures and many more!

when 6pm was approching,most of us bid goodbye and WENT SEPARATE ways.

i will definetly miss my group member and leaders.AWESOME PEOPLE with LOVELY ATTITUDE.hahaha.

that’s how this whole conference for day 3 ended.GREAT ending eh?haha.

Day 1 and 2 were more on lectures given by famous people.and we even get to meet VINCENT NG AND MARK CHAY.

(; many lessons were taught,many experinces were shared.

through this sports conference,i have really learnt more about sports,mak new friends,and more.

i had a great time at VJC(:

THANKYOU everyone for making this cinference an enjoyable one for me.(:



support YOG 2010!

Believe or not?Real or Fake?

May 21, 2010

should we really believe in supernatural things,superheroes,catoon characters(animals who can really talk?!)etc.

can they really fight?

too cool to be true?

E=mc^2 believable.(:

fake cats?

definetly a real TurkishVan Cat!

too cute?hamsters sing,i see.

i love this.

i’ve no hatred or specific dislikes with the above cartoon characters or yeah,don’t get offended(:

it was only my thought on whether we should really believe in these kind of things.

should we?


May 18, 2010

should i consider them good or bad or ok?

well,for my languages,they are really bad.

for my other subjects,they are like in the As range,however,i do not feel anything for the As,really nothing.

well,i thought to myself,and realised that maybe it’s because i did not put in my 101% of effort.

BUT,looking back at the days during the exam period,i went home,take a small nap,study,bath,eat,study.and i did not really allow myself to this called not putting in 101% or even 100% of effort?i wonder;confusing myself.

this is really driving me crazy, sometimes.luckily,some friends of mine have the same thinking as me so it somewhat feels  a little better,i guess.

Recently,i then realised the true meaning of 一山更比一山高.when you do well,other people will do better than you.this is reality and we have to accept it.

alright,enough of results(:

i feel like taking up either dance or guitar during the june holiday.

which one should i choose?

i THINK i’ll consider guitar more(: hahah.

feeling a little tired of living in such a competitve class,country,world.

“When the world says, “Give up,”
Hope whispers, ‘Try it one more time.’ “

~ Unknown

i’ll try harder the next time round.FIGHTING!

a PROMISE made to myself(:

this is a promise i HAVE TO make to myself,and i will never ever break it.


reply to you(:

May 17, 2010

Dear _______,

我很好。希望你也跟我一样。Similarly,i also felt terribly EMPTY after not going for training for like 2 months or so already?haha.goona be FAT.写信的目的是给你回信。希望这种回信法是有一点特别的。希望你不会在意我用这种方式来给你回信喔.

you know what,i seriously seriously 希望我们俩可继续活在残与东方翔的世界里。stamping of feet?hahaa.still remember yeah?and the ZOOOOMMMM action(: it’s really awwesome(: i really need to thank the producer for that show yeah?hahah.

you neglect me?that’s never the case!so,there’s no need for me to forgive you(: you’ve been great to me,understanding my flaws and all,trying to make me happy(:

i owe you a BIG THANK YOU.

“A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails.”
~ Donna Roberts



loveyou always(:

always be there for you.

remember the ‘fire-wonman’ thing!

call me whenever you need help!(:

YICHEEN to the lovely YOU. love them,i love them too(:

FRIENDS,true ones.

May 16, 2010


english and chinese.

hope i do okay.

for english,oral takes up 20% of EOY.

that’s ALOT.

and for chinese it’s like a national exam.

okay,enough of  exams.


i;ve been thinking quite alot this few days.

well,exams are over,haha.

i thought:

1.about friends.

ThankYou my friend for walking this part of life with me.

The best time to make friends is before you need them.  ~Ethel Barrymore

living all on this earth for like 14 years and a few months.i have came across many different types of friends,be it a girl or a boy.

some friends are there to make use of you.some are the hi-bye friends.some are the see-and-smile friends.some are true friends,which you must never never lose.

what do i consider as a true friend?

“Many people will walk in and out of you life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”
“Never explain – your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway. “~ Elbert Hubbard
1.a true friend will support you even if the whole world opposes you.
2.a true friend will not make you sound/look  like a jerk in front of others.
3.a true friend will make no excuses of having work or appointments or anything but will be with you whenever you need them
4.a true friend will come forward to help without any request and be with you in need without showing it or expecting anything in
many many more qualities.
i feel that to find a true friend,one has to be a true friend to others first.
i feel that it is better to have one true friend than having millions of normal or good friends.
because it’s really difficult for one to find a true friend.
really really difficult.
i hope everyone out there will be able to make friends,true friends.
however,Be a true friend yourself first.(:
Do you remember the first time we met,
how we took some time before we grew familiar,
time passes by,
how our life have intertwined
,all the memories,joy,and pains we’ve had together,
so here’s to our friendship ,all the moments we’ve shared.
i hope we see each other at the road that is still ahead.
thankyou my friend walking this face of life with me,
the joy and laughther we had the times that we shared, i’ll remember.
thankyou my friend for making me part of your life.
i’m glad i’ve shared mine with you.
so thankful that we could live as friends(:


May 14, 2010

i wrote this in my chinese paper for one of the question:

我们一生出来,就像一张白纸。人人都一样,没有什么分别。但是,挫折,失败,成功 等等,便会把这张白纸画上五彩缤纷的彩色,把我们造成不同的人。

yeah,i’ve got 4/5 for this comprehension qustion.hahahah.

ohyeah,got back my biology paper today.was not really very satisfied with myself,hope i can do better next time(:

yes,you can!

wishing very hard every night,that i can do well in my midyears.(:

two quotes for everyone out there.SMILE and BE OPTIMISTIC(:

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.  ~Phyllis Diller

It doesn’t hurt to be optimistic.  You can always cry later.  ~Lucimar Santos de Lima




that's ME!(:

new FRESH look(:

May 12, 2010

hello everybody!yeah,you guys have successfully ‘reached’ YICHEEN’s new blog.yay!

LIVELIFEWELL(: i should blog about today’s awesome so called”gathering” with chinmei and shannen.they are great eaters(: loves to enjoy yeah,i like them!hahaha.

well,after our a-maths paper,we took 147 to this hougang interchange.while on the bus,we chatted ALOT. what i’ve learnt from our conversion was: never never judge a book by its cover.i agree.after a 15 minutes bus ride,we took the MRT line to douby gaught,and then to orchard!

upon reaching orchard,we went to change to the OUTSIDE clothes.and cm kept saying about that her shirt was so different was ours(as shannen and i was wearing quite formally)and she said:i’m going to buy a shirt.

so after changing,we went to eat eaT eAT EAT!hahah,first,we bought some food from this stall called”dong dae mun”,a korean stall,i guess(well,it sells korean food),then after that,we went to buy this YAKOSHIBA with japanese macha(cold jap tea).yea,and we went to the food court and eat.

NO OUTSIDE FOOD:said the cleaner.ooh,okay,then we decided to get something from the bought this mushroom thing,i bought yam porridge and shannen bought laska.hahah.(told you,we’re great eaters).so after 10 minutes,i suggested on ice-cream!yeah.this shop(marvellous icecream),the ice cream is really MARVELLOUS!yeah,so we shared and bought this belgium chocolate banana thing,with a waffle cone!hahah.yeah,6.20$.

yeah,and we went back to the table and eat.

while eating,we started cam-woring?!yeah,and there’s a lot of very candid photos!9but they are not to be shown-secret!)hahah.yeah,really fun!

so we kind of used 4 hours to eat?yeah.

after that,we went up to shop.looking for nice bangles,but didn”t get to find any.

then we went to this shop(cache?) yeah,and we were like trying clothes in there!nice tees,nice dresses,nice necklaces(:evrything was nice.after trying,all of us bought a singlet?yeah,colourful one,super nice(11.90$) hmm.soon after,cm spotted this shirt,grey and yello(like the boiled egg york),it’s like a little baggy and it’s off shoulder,so yeah.

then yeah,shannen and i had not bought anything for cm birthday,so we decided to buy her that shirt as a belated birthdy yeah,that’s her birhtday preset.hope she’ll like it(:

after that we decided to sing karaoke!so we walk to cineleisure.10minutes walk?hmm.

after we reach there,shannen got something cropped up at home,so very soon after we stepped in the karaoke room,she had to go back home(sadly.)but still,cm and i had a great imte singing(we always do(“,) hahah.yeah,so it’s like ELASTIC FANTANSTIC.hahah.many korean and chinese songs.sanf for staight three hours.and my throat is burning.

it was 7.30pm by then.and we burned we went dad cane and hebrought cm to the circle line,and then here I’M HOME! hahah.

  池塘邊的榕樹上知了在聲聲叫著夏天   操場邊的鞦遷上 只有蝴蝶停在上面 黑板上老師的粉筆
  還在拚命嘰嘰喳喳寫個不停  等待著下課等待著放學   等待遊戲的童年 福利社裡什麼都有 
  就是口袋裡沒有半毛錢   諸葛四郎和魔鬼黨到底誰搶到那隻寶劍 隔壁班的那個男孩
  怎麼還沒經過我的窗前   嘴裡的零食  手裡的漫畫  心裡初戀的童年
  總是要等到睡覺以前才知道功課只做了一點點  總是要等到考試以後才知道該念的書都沒有念
  一寸光陰一寸金老師說過寸金難買寸光陰  一天又一天一年又一年 迷迷糊糊的童年
   沒有人知道為什麼太陽總下到山的那一邊 沒有人能夠告訴我山裡面有沒有住著神仙
  多少的日子裡總是一個人  面對著天空發呆 就這麼好奇就這麼幻想這麼孤單的童年
  陽光下蜻蜓飛過來 一片片油綠綠的稻田 水彩臘筆和萬花筒畫不出天邊那一條彩虹 什麼時候才能像
  高年級的同學 有張成熟長大的臉 盼望著假期盼望著明天 盼望長大的童年   一天又一天 一年又一年

this is a song that is meaningful(:

treasure your childhood days.

when you grow older,you’ll know what i meant(:

all the best for your MYE results,

don’t feel too sad if you have not done well,

because that’s not the end of your life.(ultimate goal:o-levels!)

if you have done well,then congrats!give yourself a pat on the shoulder for giving your best shot during exams(:continue to work even harder,strive for the best and never ever be complacent.

