
January 3, 2011

Wow, i cant imagine that this is my last year in secondary school.

it just feel like i’ve just gotten back my PSLE results and i’ve just enter the school.

goosh, sometimes it feels like i’m getting old relly fast):

3 years and 3 days have passed really fast and I had enjoyed 3 years of secondary life, and i hope that the lastyear will be a more wonderful and memorable one for everyone(:

even though we know that we are getting older day by day, but most importantly, we have to live high,live well and live righteously!(:

my resolution of 2011 : i shall not disappoint my parents with my results anymore. Press on to greater achievments of the future. Give so much time to improvement to myself that i  have no time to criticize others. i hope this will work and all the best for 2011.



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